On April 8, Mexico will have the opportunity to witness another extraordinary astronomical event, which occurs only every 200 or 300 years: the total solar eclipse. This phenomenon occurs when the moon is directly between the earth and the sun, completely obscuring the sun.

The Undersecretariat of the Penitentiary System, in collaboration with a scientific distribution company, has launched a project with inmates from the Oriente Men’s Preventive Prison to develop viewers to observe the solar eclipse.

The design of the visors was made by women from the Women’s Center for Social Reintegration of Santa Martha Acatitla, and they were inspired by Mexican popular art.

How are solar eclipse viewers made?

Solar eclipse viewing glasses are made from specially branded black polymer sheets that meet the requirements in the ISO 12312-2 standard for eclipse filters. In addition, they are made under high quality and hygiene standards.

Where to buy glasses for the solar eclipse?

The lenses are available in two places.

  • Mexico City Police Museum : Located at 82 Victoria Street, Centro neighborhood.
  • Institutional Store: Located on San Antonio Abad road number 130, Tránsito neighborhood, Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office.

The price of the glasses to see the solar eclipse is 88 pesos.

Buying solar eclipse glasses online is more convenient, but more expensive. Amazon sells them for around $10 USD plus shipping.

Where can the 2024 Solar Eclipse be seen?

According to the UNAM Geophysics website, the solar eclipse will be visible throughout Mexico on April 8, but Mazatlán will be the optimal place to see it.

The eclipse will begin at 9:51:23 a.m., and will reach its peak at 11:07:25 a.m.

Regarding the percentage that can be observed, it will vary in each city.

For example, in Tepic, Puerto Vallarta, and Monterrey it will be 95%, while for Guadalajara, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, and part of Tamaulipas, it will be 90%.

Mexico City and Puebla will be able to appreciate the eclipse at 74%, Puebla at 70%, Veracruz at 69%, and Acapulco at 65%.

The duration of the eclipse will be the same for all these locations, but it will not be seen the same way.