Rain has Come, but Still No Drinking Water in Some Neighborhoods

Numerous residents have reported that lack of water continues to be a problem in the same neighborhoods as before the rains came, even though Seapal has stated that the water level of the wells and supply tanks have risen.

Seapal Director Jorge Castillo Nuñez had made a commitment on June 29 that drinking water service would become regularized within 21 days after the rains began. He also said that the valves on the water pipes would be managed in such a way as to assure that the same neighborhoods would not always be the ones without water service. But that has not happened.

Some of the neighborhoods that continue to suffer from the lack of water at the beginning of the week are: Coapinole, La Floresta, El Mangal, Morelos and Pavén, and Loma Bonita, among others.

Merchants are also complaining that their water regularly gets cut off without notice.

Added to this problem is that water bills are double what they were last year, which is being received poorly, to say the least, by customers who are not receiving water at least 4 days a week.