Saying that active cases and hospitalizations for COVID-19 in Jalisco have stabilized, the State Government Health Board confirmed that bars and clubs will be able to operate again.

Anna Bárbara Casillas García, coordinator of the Social Development Cabinet, reported that the clubs and bars are reopening at 25% capacity, and operating on the schedule according to their license.

Restaurants may operate with a maximum capacity of 50%. Hotels may operate with a maximum of 80% in common areas, and 50% in their bars.

The measures that remain unchanged are that social events in closed spaces should be with a maximum of 150 people, and 300 in open spaces.

The suspension of events with more than 300 people is maintained by the Board of Health. Stadium operation continues with a maximum capacity of 33%, plus measures such as the mandatory use of face masks.

The cancellation of outdoor national festivities, October festivities, patron saint festivities, and religious celebrations remains.

Government public reporting and swearing-in ceremonies for the next municipal administrations will be in closed ceremonies only before their councils, following the mandatory use of face masks in all public spaces.

Governor Alfaro said that, according to his indicators, there is a stabilization in active cases and hospitalizations.

Regarding hospital occupancy, he said that there is a slight decrease, and that the care capacity remains solid. He commented that the situation in Puerto Vallarta improved from 97.9% occupancy to 54.2%.

They announced that the Board of Health will meet weekly.